The Art and Environment volunteers work as a team to provide an artistic, sacred and beautiful worship space at St. Edward’s appropriate for the liturgical season. This is an opportunity to share your varying gifts such as: decorators, seamstresses, flower arrangers, ladder climbers, plant tenders, workers who can take on differing tasks such as carrying flowers or plant stands to transform our worship space.
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CL) is worship time for children ages 5-12+. During the Mass, children are dismissed from the congregation, just before the Liturgy of the Word, to process to their own space to hear the same readings as the adult congregation, but in simpler language. The children return to the main assembly in time for the offertory. This is a time of worship for the children. A Minister of the Word (MW) asks prepared questions regarding the reading and the Gospel to facilitate the children’s absorption of God’s words. Every Sunday, Children’s Liturgy volunteers are able to witness the powerful connection between children and God. It is a privilege to participate in this ministry and training is essential to fulfilling this responsibility.
All volunteers are welcome. Adults serve as MWs and adults and youth (in seventh grade and older) serve as Readers, Assistants and Cantors. Some additional time is required before and after Mass to set up and take down the space. MWs receive preparation materials based on the Lectionary for Masses and Other Celebrations with Children from which they select their reflection questions for the children. Training is provided by Children’s Liturgy of the Word Trainers within the Archdiocese.
An EHMC distributes communion to the parish community at Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. They serve in a reverent manner, have a love for the Eucharist and a desire to serve God’s people. Volunteers must be Confirmed and accept Catholic Eucharistic theology.
Greeters extend welcome and hospitality to all persons coming into our worship space on weekends, Holy Days and other special liturgies. You are invited to serve as a greeter, reaching out with a warm smile and welcoming spirit to each person who comes to worship at St. Edward’s. Individuals, couples and/or families may serve together in this capacity.
Lay Presiders lead the community in Prayer and Communion Services. Lay ministers are aware of and have responded to their Baptismal call to serve. They are reverent and prayerful. Confirmation is required.
Lay Presider – Eucharistic Exposition Leader
On Sunday afternoons, the Lay Presider leads the community in prayer and adoration. The presider prepares the worship space by setting up the Monstrance, lights the candles, turns on the lights, puts out printed prayer helps. The presider leads the opening and closing prayers and keeps track of time for the meditation part of the worship. The leaders have a very special devotion to Eucharistic Adoration.
Lay Presider – Monday Night Rosary Devotions
The Rosary leader prepares the chapel space. The leader invites people into prayer and leads the praying of the Rosary. These ministry volunteers have a very special devotion to the Rosary.
Lectors proclaim the first and second scripture readings of the day and Commentators read the Prayers of the Faithful and share announcements about parish activities. Volunteers are willing to commit to prayer and preparation time. Volunteers for this ministry are gifted with competence in proclaiming the Word of God and having the ability to make it come alive in the liturgy. Lectors and Commentators must be Confirmed.
This “behind the scenes” ministry is a necessary and important part of our weekly worship – all one needs to know how to do is laundry. Volunteers pick up the purificators and towels from the sacristy after the last weekend Mass, wash and iron the purificators and return them before the following weekend. Volunteers provide their own washing and ironing facilities. Someone once referred to this task as doing Jesus’ laundry.
Our sacristans work behind the scenes to prepare our worship space for Masses, funerals, Holy Days and weddings.
Weekday Chapel Sacristan
For each weekday liturgy, the Sacristan prepares the worship space, including: lights candles, sets up Eucharistic elements of bread, water and wine, plates and chalices; prepares and places Lectionary and Roman Missal; and puts things away after Mass.
Funeral Sacristan
The Sacristan coordinates funeral liturgies, including: sets up Eucharistic elements of bread and wine, plates and chalices; lights candles, places microphones, prepares incense; and rehearses with family members who have a liturgical role in the funeral. The ability to juggle a variety of demands and to act quickly under pressure is important.
Weekend & Holy Day Sacristan
At weekend Masses and Holy Days, the Sacristan works behind the scenes to prepare the worship space, including: lights, microphones, candles and special set-up needs according to the liturgical season. Attentiveness to detail and a willingness to work behind the scenes are necessary. A love of liturgy and all the “smells and bells” that go with it is also a definite plus for this ministry! Ages fourteen through adult are welcome to volunteer.
Ushers welcome members and guests to our parish and assist those who come to worship. They seat the assembly, take up the collection, assist with emergency situations, coordinate the offertory procession, facilitate the communion procession, and distribute the bulletin at the end of Mass. After Mass our ushers help straighten the hymnals and worship aids in the pews. Youth as well as adults are invited to serve as as ushers. Volunteers exhibit friendliness, honesty, dependability, and an ability to handle emergency situations with courage and composure.
All children of the parish in fourth grade or older are invited to become Altar Servers. Altar Servers are engaged in the Liturgies of the Parish, assisting the Priest in the celebration of the Mass with reverence and respect. Training is offered throughout the year.